We care for each horse as though he or she is a cherished member of our family.
The best part about this business is getting to know each horse on a personal level. This allows us to give each horse the individual care it deserves. It also allows us learn something from everyone.
Opus & Lindsay
Kerrie began riding lessons when she was around 7 years old. The way the story goes, her mother convinced her dad to go along with the idea because, "it will only be $7/week". The next thing you know, Kerrie's nana "gave" her an Anglo Arab mare and the rest was, as they say, history. Kerrie thought she was the bomb because all of her friends had ponies and she had an actual horse! Marie took care of Kerrie for many years and through Kerrie's start in Difficult Run Pony Club. After Marie retired from Pony Club she spent time with other members of the family until she came back to live on our farm until she was 32 years old.
Kerrie spent many more years in Pony Club bringing along a young horse, Tenth Street, aka Downy. Downy had many adventures through the years, competing in Jumper Shows and Combined Training. When he left, Downy left a big hole in our hearts at the ripe ole’ age of 37 years old.
Penn couldn't stand to be left out so the next thing you know, Penn had an adorable 10.2h pony that cost $150 with all of the tack included. Penn rode Sugar Sweet for a couple of years, also starting Pony Club with her. When Penn out grew her (it didn't take long) Sugar spent many years starting young Pony Clubbers. Penn then spent a brief amount of time with Nutmeg who taught Penn more than she ever wanted to know before she ended up with the Perfect Pony, Justin. Penn and Justin became Pony Club legends with their perfect dressage tests including the test where they got a "7" on the free walk even though Justin stopped to scratch his ear with a hind leg. It itched...
The name Kritter's Korner honors a lovely TB that Kerrie had for a short time between Marie and Downy. You see, Kerrie's last name was Ritter and in school her nickname was Kritter (K. Ritter) so when she got Kritter, it was an obvious choice for a name. Unfortunately at the incredibly young age of 7 Kritter became unable to be ridden due to navicular syndrome. Kerrie kept him comfortable for another year, taking him on long walks and just "hanging out" with him. When he was no longer able to be comfortable, she promised Kritter that she would name her someday farm after him and therefor his name lives on.
“There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse.”